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The first tool that integrates all your hardware into a seamless single-platform monitoring solution. Built for EPCs and Project Developers.

Scale solar via one platform.  Zero confusion.



Installed capacity monitored


mWh monitored this year


Sites active on the platform


Tons of carbon offset

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Site Monitoring
in One Place

Unify solar site (inverter) monitoring into a single platform. Track site performance, generation, yield, and more— plus, view alerts and plan for O&M — all with one simple login.


Advanced Alerts and O&M Workflows

Standardize alerts and trigger O&M workflows. With all your information in one place, reduce customer response times and meet your SLAs.


Automated Customer Reports

With unified site monitoring and performance data, automatically share monthly reports with customers. Maintain customer engagement while saving valuable time and resources previously spent on manual reporting.

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Site Monitoring in One Place

Unify solar site (inverter) monitoring into a single platform. Track site performance, generation, yield, and more— plus, view alerts and plan for O&M — all with one simple login.

Advanced Alerts and O&M Workflows

Standardize alerts and trigger O&M workflows. With all your information in one place, reduce customer response times and meet your SLAs.

Automated Customer Reports

With unified site monitoring and performance data, automatically share monthly reports with customers. Maintain customer engagement while saving valuable time and resources previously spent on manual reporting.

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Site Monitoring in One Place

Unify solar site (inverter) monitoring into a single platform. Track site performance, generation, yield, and more — plus, view alerts and plan for O&M— all with one simple login.

Advanced Alerts and O&M Workflows

Standardize alerts and trigger O&M workflows. With all your information in one place, reduce customer response times and meet your SLAs.

Automated Customer Reports

With unified site monitoring and performance data, automatically share monthly reports with customers. Maintain customer engagement while saving valuable time and resources previously spent on manual reporting.


Learn how Popular Power can integrate your hardware into a seamless single-platform monitoring solution. Schedule your Demo today.

Built for EPCs and Project Developers alike

Features that Scale

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Features that Scale

Pair additional features to support your operation’s growth

  • Sales & Pipeline

  • Site Prep

  • Operations & Maintenance

  • Carbon & REC Tracking

  • Customer Payments & Portfolio Management

  • Investor Reporting

Core functionalities to power-up your operation

  • Customer-facing portal

  • Third-party integrations

  • Advanced Reports & Dashboards

  • Field surveys via our mobile app 

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About Us

Don't see your hardware? We can integrate any brand within 10 days. Schedule a Demo to learn more.


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Pair additional features to support your operation’s growth

  • Sales & Pipeline

  • Site Prep

  • Operations & Maintenance

  • Carbon & REC Tracking

  • Customer Payments & Portfolio Management

  • Investor Reporting

Core functionalities to power-up your operation

  • Advanced Reports & Dashboards

  • Field surveys via our mobile app 

  • Customer-facing portal

  • Third-party integrations

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Let's welcome the distributed solar revolution.

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Copyright © Popular Power 2024

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